As you may have seen already on the Re-Tek UK LinkedIn page, Re-Tek UK are now a CAS(S) approved service provider. Even after 25 years, we still strive to improve our business in order to provide you with the best and most secure service possible. This certification is a testament to the tremendous effort of our staff who maintain the highest standards of security every day. We understand that some of you may not know what this certification is or what it means for you as a customer, therefore we have compiled some information about our latest accreditation to answer some of your questions.
What is the CAS(S) certification?
The CAS(S) certification ensures that any accredited service provider conforms to the high standards set by the National Centre for Cyber Security, a government department dedicated to setting best practices for cyber protection. This certification means that Re-Tek are now certified to destroy data safely and securely up to and including the Government’s ‘official’ level.
How were Re-Tek assessed for this certification?
A representative for the National Cyber Security Centre assessed Re-Tek’s services and procedures in order to ensure that we met their standards. Namely, Re-Tek were assessed to ensure that all data-bearing assets were kept secure both during transportation and while in storage. Additionally, Re-Tek’s equipment was evaluated to ensure that it is properly maintained and that we follow the correct data sanitisation processes at all times. Finally, Re-Tek were assessed to ensure that all of our processes are audited internally to ensure that we continue to improve our service offering in the future.
What does this mean for you as a customer?
First and foremost, it means that you can feel assured knowing that all of the data-bearing assets you send to us will be treated by a team of trained staff. Secondly, you can be certain that all of your private data will be securely destroyed and that you will get asset reports which show that all processes have been carried out correctly. Finally, you know that you are working with one of the leaders of the IT asset disposal market as Re-Tek are the first company based in Scotland to achieve this certification.
What does this mean for Re-Tek?
Receiving this certification was one of our main goals for this financial year. Achieving this milestone reminds us that we must always strive to improve our service offering in order to achieve new heights. For now, our focus is firmly on ensuring that we maintain the standards of service that you as customers expect and that you receive the support and service that you deserve.
To find out more about our newly accredited services, please visit our Services Page.